Men claim victory at Battle of the Sexes | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Men claim victory at Battle of the Sexes


   Men, you outdid yourselves.

    The annual Battle of the Sexes at the Drumheller Aquaplex has come and gone, and there is a new prizewinner in the pool.
    After a 16-year reign as champions of the annual challenge, the women were defeated at the Battle of the Sexes.
    And it wasn’t even close.
    The men swam 17,923 lengths, for a total 448 kilometres, while the ladies swam 13,326 lengths for 333 kilometres.
    More impressive yet, is the men did it shorthanded.
    Of the 114 participants who swam and entered their lengths, only 51 were men.
    The results were so strong the Aquaplex had to recalibrate its tally board outside the pool entrance just to accurately report the totals.
    Is this a sign of things to come? Has the tide turned in favour of the men… at least in the pool?
    We’ll just have to wait until next year to see.
    Winners of a draw from participants for a three-month pool pass were Jeanette MacAskill and Ed Palm.   
    In total, all participants swam 31,249 lengths for a total of 781 kilometres.

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