Ski season slides away | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Ski season slides away


    The stand off ended on Wednesday afternoon as a press release from Ski the Badlands put an end to any hope of skiing in Drumheller this season.

    The Town of Drumheller set a deadline of 5 p.m. Wednesday for the Drumheller Ski Club to accept its lease offer, or it would be rescinded. About 25 minutes before the deadline, Ski the Badlands issued a statement saying they would not sign the lease.
    “Jointly, Drumheller Valley Ski Club (1997) and Badlands Ski Hill Ltd. are announcing that the terms of the so called “lease” from the town are not acceptable and have decided to reject it as it stands,” said the release signed by Zrinko Amerl.
    The statement goes on to say the lease document had many ‘new conditions and hidden agendas not acceptable and not common in any lease.’ One includes the request of the town to remove a caveat place on the property by Badlands Ski Hill. The Town also asked that the Ski Club file copies of all documentation which accompanied its application to Corporate registries for re-instatement. These include the entire bylaws agreed upon by Ski Club for reinstatement; names of directors, shareholders and officers, and the purpose or purposes for which reinstatement was desired.
    The statement also expressed that it is troubling the town insists on the immediate removal of ski hill assets off its land. The Town of Drumheller owns the portion of land that roughly includes from the second tower up.
    “Once we start removing lifts, snowmaking and buildings off the lands, there will be no way of getting those assets back in place,” said the statement.
    Mayor Terry Yemen said there was no such order for the Drumheller Valley Ski Club.
    “We never told them anything to do with their assets… we told him, his company, that if the lease isn’t signed, he was to vacate the property,” said Yemen. “As far as the assets, I have, nor has the town seen any indication that those are his assets.”
    According to the statement released by Amerl, ski passes from the 2010-2011 season will be honoured in the 2011-2012 season. If negotiations to open the hill next season fail, ski hill assets will be sold off and passes will be reimbursed in full.
    While there may be a next season, chances are it will not be with Badlands Ski Hill Ltd. Yemen expressed that the town has no interest in working with Badlands Ski Hill Ltd. in the future.
    “Because of all the circumstances it is not the town’s intent to follow up with a sales agreement with the town land and Badlands Ski Hill,” said Yemen.

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