Rainy weather slows Highway 9 roadwork | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Rainy weather slows Highway 9 roadwork


    The wet weather experienced in the area this summer has severely hampered the construction work on Highway 9.
    Contractors are grade widening a portion on Highway 9 from its intersection with Highway 21, and putting the final paving overlay on the section of Highway 9 built two years ago.
    Dennis Grace, Alberta Transportation’s construction engineer in charge of the project, told The Mail that due to the weather conditions, they have been delayed by approximately 35 days.
    “So far they (contractors) are half way completed with the grading work, the earth moving component of it,” confirmed  Grace.
    He said when the contractors were able to work, the progress was slow due to the wetness.
    “It has been a terrible summer that way,” said Grace, adding that progress in the next few weeks should give them a better idea of when the project will be complete.
    “Paving was supposed to start in August, we are looking at starting it in September now because of all the delays.”
    Originally planned to be completed by mid-October, Grace said it looks like construction work will go beyond that, depending on the weather.
    Grace said drivers should use the detour in place when it has been raining due to the road condition, and confirmed they have only received one damage claim so far.
    The detour goes through Carbon on Highway 836,  along  Highway 575, going through Acme then via Highway 806.   

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