Search is on for Direct Energy Volunteer Citizen of the Year | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Search is on for Direct Energy Volunteer Citizen of the Year

    Direct Energy and the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association (AWNA) are inviting applications from Albertans for the 2010 Volunteer Citizen of the Year award.
    The award is part of a program designed to recognize the significant efforts of volunteers who contribute to make their communities a better place.
    “We’re looking forward to once again recognizing individuals who work hard to make our communities great places to live,” said AWNA President George Brown. “The selfless actions of past winners and many of the other nominees often go unrewarded. This program is designed to showcase appreciation for their efforts. The Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award is a great opportunity to recognize invaluable volunteers who benefit your community.”
    The contest runs through National Volunteer Week, taking place April 18 - 24, and nominations close Monday, May 7.
    The award winner will receive:
$1,000 cash prize;
$5,000 cash grant to the winner’s organization/cause of choice in their respective community;
recognition of their achievement through a commemorative award, article and photo to be published in AWNA newspapers across Alberta;
$1,000 cash grant to four semi-finalists’ organization/cause of choice in their respective communities; and
special recognition of the four semi-finalists.
    The award is open to residents within a community served by an AWNA member newspaper. 
    Applicants can nominate themselves or be nominated by another individual or a group. 
    The nomination should include an account in a maximum of 750 words of the specific contribution an individual or group has made to the local community through improving the quality of life for fellow residents.
    They should also profile the nominee’s organization or cause of choice to receive the $5,000 cash grant and how the donation will be used.
    Nominations must be submitted by May 7, 2010 by post to Maurizia Hinse, AWNA, 3228 Parsons Road, Edmonton, T6N 1M2 or by fax to 780-438-8356.
    A selection committee, formed of two representatives from the AWNA and two appointed by Direct Energy, will review award applications and select the finalists and winning individual or group.

For more info…

Nomination forms can be picked up from The Drumheller Mail office located at 515 Hwy 10 East, Drumheller.
Or you can find a nomination form online at or

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