Affordable apartment complex opens | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Affordable apartment complex opens


affordible-housing.jpgA new development providing affordable housing aimed at AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) recipients has opened in Drumheller and it appears the demand for such a facility in the community is strong.
    The Norwood apartment complex has opened on 1st Street East in downtown Drumheller, across from the Badlands Historical Museum. The 15-unit complex opened at the beginning of March, and already 10 units have been filled.
    There’s a lot of demand for this kind of place,” said Colin Lowden of Studios Alberta, which also owns similar properties in Ponoka and Olds.
    The bachelor suites are a modest 325 square feet, and are fully contained apartments. There are two handicapped accessible units that are vacant. Each unit has its own outside entrance that opens onto a courtyard.
    Each tenant will have control of their general utilities and are responsible for all utilities with the exception of water, which is included in the rent. Joan McGhee is managing the property. It is located in downtown Drumheller, and in walking distance to many amenities.
    The rent is affordable for each unit, and the project was made possible through the Canada-Alberta Affordable Housing Agreement. Lowden says no municipal funding was used in the project, and none was sought.
    The goal of Studios Alberta is to provide affordable housing primarily, but not exclusively for AISH recipients. Lowden says in Drumheller there are about 160 people receiving AISH; about 40 percent have mental illness, 40 per cent have a physical illness and 20 per cent have cognitive challenges.
    Applications are still being taken for the property through McGhee, at 403-820-0694. or by going to

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