Yes campaign mobilizes for plebiscite | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Yes campaign mobilizes for plebiscite

Members of the Sportsplex and Community Facility Committee are working towards a yes vote in the plebiscite come November 3.
    Residents of Drumheller are going to the polls to decide whether John Anderson Park is a suitable location for a community facility.
    The plebiscite is in response to indications in the results of a survey of the residents in Drumheller, which showed support for using the site for development.
    The formal question will be: Are you in favour of constructing a Community Facility on the location that includes the lands known as John Anderson Park?
    President of the committee Tony Lacher says it is important to clarify that  the question on the plebiscite is on the location of the proposed facility, and not specifically what the facility will entail.
  “This  is the first step in realizing a facility for Drumheller,” he said. “Exactly what amenities the facility will have is up to the residents of Drumheller themselves. It will be a collaborative effort.”
 He adds, a survey of the residents of Drumheller undertaken in conjunction with the census in June of this year, gave a clear picture of some of the priorities identified by the community.
            The site is ideal, according to Lacher and necessary to make the project feasible financially. The Town of Drumheller already owns the site, eliminating the cost of acquisition. It is also already serviced, and because the other facilities are in close proximity, resources can be used more efficiently.
    “Residents have identified the need for more recreational facilities in the valley. This committee was formed to make Drumheller better for the people who live here, and to make it an attractive place for people to come to. The location in the heart of downtown Drumheller will serve to strengthen the core and serve families,” said Lacher.
    The plebiscite is on Monday, November 3. Advanced polls are on October 30.

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