Just what neighbours do... | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Just what neighbours do...

tractor.jpgWhen Morrin area farmer Terry “Ole”  Martin was laid up in the hospital, his neighbours pitched in to help get his crops off this fall. “It’s what neighbours are for,” said Krystal Sharpe, “I had tears in my eyes seeing them out there.” Working on Martin's southern land are combine drivers: Ryan Bitz, Len Sharpe, Rick Sharpe,  Bob Chambers, Art Grenville and Chris Chambers. Truck drivers included Don Bitz, Jeff Sharpe and Mark Chambers. Bin operators  were Les Olsen, Daryl DeMille and Dallas DeMille. The Chief Foreman of operations was, of course, Martin. Watching the combines, bottom right, is  Katrina Sharpe.

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