New venue for Badlands Boogie | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 21 Mar 2025 5pm

New venue for Badlands Boogie

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The site has changed, but the music stays the same.
Music fans will be boogying into the night this weekend to raise awareness of the East Coulee Truss Bridge.
This is the 9th annual Badlands Boogie, and the music festival offers an eclectic mix of musicians and bands to keep fans entertained.
Organizer John Barry Graham says the biggest change this year is the venue.
“The new Festival site is directly across from the Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site, along the river,” said Graham, adding it is more accessible.
The goal of the festival is to raise funds and awareness for the East Coulee Truss Bridge, one of only two left in Canada. He said so far they have raised close to $8,000 and are working on approaching CP Rail to put some signage at the site.
“We are hoping to do some interpretive signs on the south side of the East Coulee Truss Bridge and continue to work to raise awareness,” he said.
The festival runs from Friday, September 1 to Monday, September 4. The lineup includes some well-known names to valley music listeners including Shoulder-High Weeds a Tragically Hip tribute band, Joey Pringle and local acts including Cathie Brown and Jay McLean.
Another fun band that will be on-site is called Big Yellow Van. They have been playing throughout Alberta for years, with their brand of classic rock and R&B.
“They used to play at the Wild Horse Saloon years ago,” said Graham.
Tickets are available at Eventbrite or Neighbours Pub in Drumheller and include camping for all three nights.
There is also concession on site.

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