More productions choosing valley for filming | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

More productions choosing valley for filming

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The valley continues to be sought by studios locally and abroad for film production, and this year is no exception.
Earlier this year The Order, featuring Jude Law, was shot in Drumheller using areas of downtown as a backdrop.
The valley is also currently supporting two productions last week.
Karen Harnisch, producer for In Cold Light, was on the set in the valley Friday as they shot the action thriller.
“The director Maxime Giroux came here a few years ago to come here and scout and fell in love with the vista,” said Harnisch.
The film stars Mika Monroe, who was in It Follows, and Troy Kotsur, who won the Oscar for best performance by an actor in a Supporting Role for his work on the hit CODA.
Harnisch said the thriller takes place in Alberta, and they shot live at the Ponoka Rodeo. The protagonist is attempting to straighten out her life after a stint in prison, but after her twin is murdered, and being a witness, she is forced to go on the run.
She explains it is an independent Canadian film and is a Quebec, Ontario, Alberta co-production.
“It makes it pretty complicated but also pretty special. It was also supported by TeleFilm Canada as well as SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles, in Quebec), and the tax credit here in Alberta is also playing a major role in helping us make the movie,” she said.
The film will be released in Canada through Elevation Pictures, and she says Albertans should have no problem finding it when it comes out in 2024.
It will also have an international release through XYZ Films.
They will be shooting in Alberta until July 20.
On the same day, filmmaker Griffin Cork, who has worked on a number of features in the valley, including the series Abracadavers was also on set.
Numera Film was working on a project for an oversea streaming service, currently referred to as Project Six Shooter.

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