Carbon works through necessary steps for future | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Carbon works through necessary steps for future

Screenshot 2023 04 03 at 01 10 57 PowerPoint Presentation Carbon open house poster boards.pdf

The Village of Carbon is developing a new Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and is working with Palliser Municipal Services to develop it.
An MDP is a high-level plan that guides and directs future growth, land use and development toward the long-term vision of the community. The MDP will consider the current and future needs of the community, including housing, commercial goods and services, transportation systems, economic development opportunities, and municipal services like parks and recreation.
This is a living document and can be amended when needed. They are typically updated every 10 years to remain current with community changes and desires.
The vision of the Carbon MDP is a “safe, beautiful and welcoming community for residents and visitors. Carbon strives to be a forward-thinking and innovative Village with a bright future where businesses thrive, and residents experience a healthy quality of life.”
Research on the plan began last year and a draft was completed in January. Since then they have been reviewing and revising the plan and on March 15, they held an Open House in Carbon to share the plan and solicit feedback. Comments were received until March 31.
The next step is that Palliser will consolidate the feedback from the Open House and submissions and produce a “What We Heard” report, which will be used to direct revisions to the MDP draft.
After the draft is complete, it comes into force through the passing of a bylaw by the Village of Carbon. This is a process that involves three readings as a Public Hearing.
Council can make amendments at any of the three readings.
When passed, the new MDP will replace the current plan, which came into effect in November 2002.

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