Christ The Redeemer Superintendent announces retirement | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Christ The Redeemer Superintendent announces retirement


Superintendent Dr. Scott Morrison will be retiring from Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools at the end of the school year.
Dr. Morrison and his wife, Lorraine, began their careers teaching with Ft. McMurray Catholic. Four years later, they moved to Okotoks, where Dr. Morrison served as a teacher, an elementary principal, and a secondary principal with CTR Catholic. Dr. Morrison will conclude his career with 17 years in senior leadership and has been the Chief Superintendent of CTR Catholic for the past 10 years.
Dr. Morrison served on the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) Board of Directors for five years and is currently the CASS president. Over the years, he has also enjoyed leading professional development across the province, teaching at St. Mary’s University and the University of Calgary, and serving on the St. Mary’s University Board of Governors. Dr. Morrison’s current side project is consulting on the development of St. Mary’s University’s Master of Education in Catholic Leadership program.
Serving as CTR’s Superintendent has been Dr. Morrison’s career highlight, and he is deeply proud of what we have all built. He will leave with warm memories and hundreds of treasured relationships with staff across the division. Recently, he reminded school administrators that to be an administrator is to administer and the root of that word is to “minister”. As leaders, teachers, and support staff we are all called to minister to those we serve; CTR’s personnel do this in a way that makes Dr. Morrison proud of who we are and confident in who you will all continue to be.
As for future plans, Dr. Morrison will be teaching university leadership courses this summer. In the fall, he and Lorraine plan to travel for a few months after which time he plans to remain engaged with both K-12 and post-secondary education.
Board Chair of CTR Catholic Andrea Keenan shared, “For Catholicity to flourish and succeed, you need a leader who emulates the “Five Marks of a Catholic Leader”. Dr. Morrison checks off all five marks. Rooted strongly in his faith, Dr. Morrison’s unfailing dedication and vision in all aspects is his true vocation. Advocating locally and provincially for Catholic Education, Dr. Morrison led us all by inspiring teachers and administration to be witnesses to their true calling and talents. He will be missed greatly at the Board table!”

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