2022 Year In Review - Munson remains on even keel heading into new year | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

2022 Year In Review - Munson remains on even keel heading into new year

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The Village of Muson’s office is getting some much-needed upgrades, as the community propels itself into the new year.
The Mail caught up with Munson CAO Lyle Cawiezel midway through renovations. The village was successful in obtaining a Municipal Stimulus Program grant to replace the much need flooring in the office. A new look to start a new year.
He says 2022 was relatively uneventful for the village, while there were no major municipal projects, he says the village was active.
Its vacancy remains low with properties being snapped up as it comes onto the market. He has also noticed many new residents are coming from out of province such as B.C.
Cawiezel also notes there is still commercial property available in the community.
The village has been diligent in managing its finances and is aiming to keep any tax increases to a minimum. Munson like many villages is still feeling the pressures of their finances from inflation.
Another pressure is policing.
In 2019 the province asked small municipalities which previously did not pay for policing to begin contributing. Municipalities were asked for 10 per cent in 2020, with a moving scale that will see them pay 30 per cent in 2023.
“An expense like that really affects a small community,” he said.
While they did not take on any major projects last year, the village is exploring paving the main road from the village out to Highway 9/56. Cawiezel says a project like this will be dependent on funding and they will continue to pursue grants.

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