Kneehill County receives second award for budget presentation | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

Kneehill County receives second award for budget presentation


Kneehill County has received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the second year in a row for its 2022 budget presentation.
The county was a first-time recipient of the Distinguished Budget Presentation award last year for its 2021 budget presentation.
“Approximately 1,700 municipalities across North America get this award in any given year, with only about 15 (municipalities) in Alberta receiving it,” explained acting Financial Operations manager Marika von Mirbach during the meeting.
She added county administration has goals to make sure it continues to be a recipient of this award going forward.
To be a recipient of this award, a municipality must meet nationally recognized criteria for an effective budget presentation which includes how well the budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device. The municipality must also receive a minimum of a “proficient” rating on all four categories, and a total of 14 mandatory criteria within these categories, in order to receive the award.
Ms. von Mirbach also received a Certificate of Recognition in recognition for her role in the county receiving the award.
Reeve Jerry Wittstock and members of council thanked Ms. von Mirbach and administration for their work on the budget presentation.
“From all of us on council, thank you for what you do; it is a reward that is well deserved by you,” Kneehill County Reeve Jerry Wittstock stated.

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