Wheatland County sends letter of concern to Minister of Health | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 2pm

Wheatland County sends letter of concern to Minister of Health

Wheatland 2021

A draft letter addressed to Minister of Health Jason Copping regarding concerns over a shortage of physicians in rural areas was brought before Wheatland County council for feedback and consideration during the regular Tuesday, November 1 council meeting.
Council directed administration to draft the letter to Minister Copping during the October 18 regular council meeting and requested the letter be brought back in November for further direction.
“I know the Premier has identified it as a top priority, and Minister Copping has done some engagement sessions across Alberta just in terms of recognizing this is part of the crisis in healthcare we’re hearing about,” Wheatland County Reeve Amber Link said during the October meeting.
The letter expresses concerns over the recent loss of full-time physicians in the nearby Town of Strathmore, and the impact this has had on Wheatland County ratepayers.
During the October meeting, Reeve Link acknowledged the lack of primary care and family physicians accepting new patients is pushing some rural Wheatland County residents to access medical care and other services elsewhere, incurring increased travel time and expenses.
Council authorized Reeve Link to sign the letter and for administration to send the letter to Minister Copping.

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