Kinsmen Club biggest supporter of Titans football | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 20 Mar 2025 12pm

Kinsmen Club biggest supporter of Titans football

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Titans football players received a new piece of training equipment on Wednesday, August 24 due to the support of one of its biggest donors, the Kinsmen Club. Kinsmen Club treasurer Darrell Steeves shares the Kinsmen have donated over $36,000 to support the Drumheller Community Football Association since 2012, including the purchase of new uniforms, bringing in professional football coaches to train the team and coaches to help turn the team around after a losing streak, and the most recent donation of $6,183.44 to support the purchase of the training sled. The Titans have also given back to the Kinsmen as a show of thanks for their ongoing support by helping with the annual Canada Day Kinsmen Club pancake breakfast. At the donation were (l-r) bantamTitans head coach Brad Iverson, Kinsmen treasurer Darrell Steeves, Drumheller Community Football Association President Krymsen Suelzle, and Kinsmen Club members Terry Martin and Keith Hodgson.

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