Wheatland County passes new noise bylaw | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Wheatland County passes new noise bylaw

Wheatland 2021

Wheatland County council passed all three readings to approve a new noise bylaw, which will update and simplify outdated language from the previous noise bylaw, during the regular Tuesday, May 3 council meeting.
Administration was previously directed by council in February to review the bylaw and it was recommended by legal counsel it would be prudent to write a new bylaw rather than make extensive amendments to the existing document.
“(The draft bylaw) provides clarity to the bylaw and the very strict criteria to be used when determining whether or not an offense has been committed under the noise bylaw,” senior Peace Officer Kris Permann explained during the meeting.
Mr. Permann explained, due to the county’s strong agricultural sector, there are provisions within the bylaw giving Peace Officers the authority to “give consideration” of a reported violation based on several criteria; this includes the nature and volume of the noise, time and day of the week, and any approved land uses or zoning of the property from where the noise originates.
While this does not necessarily exempt agriculture operations from noise violations, he noted there are times where these operations may run for extended periods, particularly during seeding and harvest, and additional noise may occur during this time, and this is something hamlet residents within agriculture districts must be aware of.
He also added there is a provision, added at the direction of legal counsel, to include reference to a “reasonable person.”
“What we discussed is what is reasonable to someone is not reasonable to another, therefore we have to balance between what is happening,” he added.
Council consented to give all three readings and unanimously approved the new noise bylaw.

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