Carbon receives 2021 financial statements | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Carbon receives 2021 financial statements

Carbon village logo final

The Village of Carbon has received is 2021 financial audit.
The annual 2021 consolidated financial statement for the Village of Carbon was presented to council at its April 19 meeting. It was prepared by Gregory Harriman and Associates.
“We just had our annual audit and it showed a $16,000 surplus, so we are very much on top of our budget,” said Mayor Bryan Peever.
The audit showed $16,143 excess of revenue over expenses in the 2021 operating budget and an accumulated surplus of $5,590,976, made up of financial and non-financial assets including tangible capital assets.
The Village saw its long-term debt fall by almost $50,000.
“The village is financially sound. We only have one loan and that was for the Diamond Subdivision and it has been on the books for 15 years, and we only have two years left and we’ll be debt-free,” said Peever. “But we have infrastructure problems so I think we are going to discuss it at our next meeting. Whether we are going to go down that road or not. Our options are to do it year by year and just take it out of the budget, or just get it done, so we have that decision to make.”
In 2021, the Village collected $529,548 in property tax, down by approximately $9,000 from the previous year.

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