Boogie in the Badlands returns for 2022 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Boogie in the Badlands returns for 2022

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Gearheads have been waiting since 2019 to boogie, and finally, they can say the Boogie is back.
Boogie in the Badlands is a spring Show and Shine tradition that has spanned decades. Like many things, it was postponed and postponed again due to COVID-19. But come Saturday, May 28, cars will be lining the streets of downtown Drumheller.
Shauna Jensen of Big Country Antique and Classic Auto Club says the Valley Cruisers are hosting the event and while they have only put out a few feelers and invitations, they are anticipating a strong turnout.
“I shared the poster yesterday, and I have had people from Edmonton and Calgary saying we’re coming,” said Jensen. “I think we are going to be bigger than what we are expecting, and that’s a great problem to have.”
The cars will line 1st Street to Jungling Works and along 3rd Avenue from the four-way stop west to the lights. Show up early for registrations at 9 a.m.
This spring thaw event is inclusive to any vehicle of any make, in any shape. Just because you’re midway through a project doesn’t mean leaving it on blocks. They anticipate everything from cars, and trucks to machinery, maybe even a semi or two.
“We don’t care if it’s shiny, we’re inclusive and just happy to have people out,” she said.
There will be prizes for people’s choice, best of the three major domestic marques, as well as best import. There will also be awards for best motorbike, rat rod, and specialty vehicle.
“Specialty vehicle could mean tractor or big rig,” said Jensen.
The awards will be presented at 3 p.m., and will be followed by a cruise.
“Whoever sticks around once all the barricades come down, we’re hoping to cruise out to East Coulee, and then if people want to cruise back to Wayne, or stop at the Sunny Spot… wherever you want to go, utilize our area,” Jensen said.
This is just one event the Valley Cruisers have planned for the season. On Sunday, May 8, they held a Mother’s Day Drive by Parade at senior residences throughout the valley. They will continue with their Thursday night cruise to A&W, as well as cruises to local spots throughout the valley this summer.
For more information on the Big Country Antique and Classic Auto Club and their activities see the Valley Cruisers Facebook Page or contact Darcy Jensen at 403-823-6985.

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