Three-year-old cow births healthy triplets | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Three-year-old cow births healthy triplets

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What an exciting discovery for a couple of young cattlemen on the Neu Muehl Colony, south of Delia. Jonathan Wipf was on the night check on Friday, February 11 and discovered a cow had a calf but it was very small. Thinking she was possibly going to have twins, he woke up his calving partner, John Wipf. They put the cow in the chute and pulled the second calf, this one being small as well. When John reached back in to put in some boluses, he discovered another set
of feet. This one was backwards but was an easy pull. Triplets it was. All healthy and the mother loves them. This is the cow’s second time calving. This mother and her calves will be housed in the state-of-the-art Calving Barn located on the Colony. That cow is worth her weight in gold. The Colony had a set of triplets eighteen years ago recalls John’s Dad, Ted, who is head Cattle Boss for the Colony.

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