Village of Standard creating growth despite challenging year | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Village of Standard creating growth despite challenging year

Village of Standard Colour New 2014

2021 was a challenging year with COVID restrictions. Many public events were cancelled due to COVID restrictions.
We were very fortunate local businesses could remain open to serve the area. We thank all the volunteers in the emergency services, fire department, and first responders who continue to perform valuable and vital services for the Village and surrounding area.
The Standard Community Facility Enhancement Society (Memory Lane) partnered with the Standard Lions Club to build a picnic shelter. Memorial trees and benches were donated and placed along the pathway. The beautification volunteer group grows and fills the many planters around the village every spring. Volunteers with the Standard Ag Society continue to raise funds for the outdoor arena, used year-round since the project started.
Council worked to create development and growth in the Village, approving the expansion of the residential lots available for sale, along with the subdivision and development of 14 new Industrial lots.
Phase l of The Broadway infrastructure project replaced aging water, sewer, and paving on Frederick Ave from Hwy 840 to the Post Office and Frederick Ave to Christian Ave.
Council also approved a partnership with Connect Mobility to provide fast, reliable, and affordable internet to village residents and businesses in 2022.
The 2021 Election has Mayor Martin Gauthier, Deputy Mayor Carol Allard, Councillors Adam Sommerfeldt, Larry Casey, and Richard Bryan forming Standard Council.
Standard will be hosting its Centennial on August 13, 2022, and invite everyone to come and join the celebration. Local businesses, artists, and volunteers will provide exhibits and entertainment for all ages.

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