MP Kurek kicked out of House December 1 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

MP Kurek kicked out of House December 1

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Battle River-Crowfoot MP Damien Kurek posted a live video to his Facebook on Wednesday, December 1 announcing he had been kicked out of the House of Commons during a 'take notes debate' on softwood lumber and the recent doubling of tariffs by the U.S. government on Canadian softwood lumber imports coming into their country.
The issue arose when MP Kurek and other Conservative MPs called out Liberal Calgary-Skyview MP George Chahal, who is currently under investigation for elections fraud.
"I think it speaks to the absolute hypocrisy that exists within the Liberal Party and this Liberal government," MP Kurek stated during the five minute video.
MP Chahal is currently at the centre of an elections fraud investigation after a doorbell camera captured him removing Conservative Calgary-Skyview candidate Jag Sahota's campaign flyers from a mailbox and replacing them with his own.
MP Kurek shared in his video MP Chahal still has full status, rights and priviledges within the Liberal Party despite the ongoing investigation.
"When I continued to not simply sit back and accept the fact he was allowed to continue, I was the one that got asked to leave the House of Commons," MP Kurek stated in the video. He added, "This is the Liberal government that is running our country."
Parliament resumed on Tuesday, November 23 after a nearly two-month delay due to the federal election in September.
MP Kurek has previously spoken out about how the delay will impact Canadians as bills face further delays being reintroduced ahead of Parliament rising for Christmas, including COVID-19 supports.

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