COVID-19 outbreak ends at Health Centre | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

COVID-19 outbreak ends at Health Centre

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An outbreak of COVID-19 in the long-term living facility at the Drumheller Health Centre has ended.
The outbreak was reported in mid-October and, in total, three positive cases were attributed to this outbreak. Despite the outbreak in the long-term facility, no cases were reported at the acute care facility at the health center.
“The Long-Term Care outbreak was closed on Thursday, November 25,” says Alberta Health Services (AHS) Central Zone communications manager Melissa Ballantyne.
Ballantyne notes AHS is unable to give any further information whether these cases were amongst staff or patients due to confidentiality reasons.
Outbreaks for acute and long-term and continuing-care facilities are reported separately.
AHS reports all acute care outbreaks on their own website, broken down by the province's five health zones, and this list is updated daily; Drumheller is located within the Central Health zone, which encompasses the towns of Drumheller, Three Hills, and Hanna.
Long-term and continuing-care outbreaks are reported on the Alberta COVID-19 website with updates Tuesdays and Fridays.
An outbreak is declared when there are two or more cases within an acute or continuing care facility, and is considered over when it has been more than four weeks since the last reported case.

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