Wheatland County releases Open Space, Recreation and Culture Master Plan | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Wheatland County releases Open Space, Recreation and Culture Master Plan

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Wheatland County is committed to building strong and resilient communities and understands the importance of recreation and cultural activities to achieve this goal.
The county identified the need for an Open Space, Recreation and Culture Master Plan to support a guiding direction and information for future decision making.
Each component and section of the Master Plan cumulates into a document that guides the county in managing open spaces, programs, facilities and amenities well into the future. It includes recommendations for the county to develop short, medium, and long-term capital improvement plans to address community needs and upgrades.
It is founded in vision, goals, and intended outcomes county decision-makers strive to see with investment.
“Quality of life is enhanced through the provision of recreation and culture, which nurtures the health and well-being of our communities, environment and tourism economy. Wheatland County endeavours to be a leader in these components that develop resilient, strong, and sustainable places to live and start a business” says Reeve Amber Link. “Staff were able to develop the vast majority of the Master Plan internally, and create a comprehensive engagement strategy that ensured stakeholders in Wheatland were able to participate and share their ideas”.
“Council directed staff to initiate the in-house development of a Master Plan that combines elements that strategically guide the County’s management of open public spaces for the next ten years. Documents like these create synergies with the County’s other guiding and visioning plans, and the County has the ability to plan its’ communities and projects in a more robust and data-driven way” says Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Matt Boscariol.
The Open Space, Recreation and Culture Master Plan has been developed to strategically guide and manage the direction of recreation facilities and open spaces until 2030. The County looks forward to implementing some of the components of the plans into its long-term budgeting and potential project list.

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