Einar Davison running for Wheatland County Division 7 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 06 Mar 2025 11am

Einar Davison running for Wheatland County Division 7

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Wheatland County resident Einar Davison has filed his nomination papers to become an official candidate for Wheatland County, Division 7.
Councillor Ben Armstrong, the current elected councillor for the division, has made the decision to retire after 29 years of dedicated service to the county, its residents and ratepayers.
“I am confident I can represent Division 7 ratepayers as effectively as Ben did,” stated Davison.
Davison has lived and farmed in the Hussar area since 1972, farming for his father for 20 years and for himself for 10 years.
Over the last seven years, Mr. Davison has served on the Hussar Rural Fire Association (HRFA) as both Director and Secretary-Treasurer, and continues to serve as a firefighter.
He has worked with the HRFA board to achieve its capital plans and has attended many county meetings on behalf of the HRFA.
Davison also served with the King’s Own Calgary Regiment, Primary Reserves between January 1984 and December 1991 as an armoured crewman.
Einar Davison will be running on a platform of responsibility to the residents and ratepayers of Division 7. Davison will ensure Division 7 has access to the same county programs and benefits as all other divisions in the county.
“Being a county councillor is an important calling to serve the residents and ratepayers of Wheatland County,” remarked Davison. “If elected I will serve all the residents of Division 7 fairly and responsibly.”

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