Happy Father's Day! | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Happy Father's Day!

With Father’s Day on  Sunday, June 21, the Mail Asks: “What is the best advice your Father has ever given you?

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Gunnar Mortensen

“Live the best way you can, and follow the rules to the best of your ability.”

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Cindy Thomas

“When I was learning to drive, he said ‘you have other people’s lives in your hands.’”

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Walter Jackson

“If horses were wishes  beggars would ride.”

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Angela Woods

“An honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.”

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JoAnn Cunningham

“When the cookies are passed, always take the biggest one.”

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Lee Shackleton

“Always do your best when you do something and listen for advice.”

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Lesley Pepper

“Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.”

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M’liss Edwards

“When we travelled he said ‘you are guests in this country, act like it.’”

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Bonnie Martyniuk

“Children need to be seen and not heard.”

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