Dear COVID-19 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 17 Sep 2024 3pm

Dear COVID-19

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Dear COVID-19;

    There are many theories regarding why you’ve come to grace us with your presence.
    You’re here to keep us indoors while pigeon spies have their batteries changed. You’ve been created by Trump so that he can find a vaccine and save the world, ensuring he’ll remain President for decades. You were created by China to give them the power to overtake the world’s economy. You’ve been sent to cleanse the Earth due to our disregard for pollution. You’ve come to remind us of what matters most beyond material consumption.
    Whatever the theory, you are part of daily conversations for all of us. You prompt fears and concerns, but you have also inspired kindness, closeness, and new technological ways of communication. We know you aren’t here for a few weeks and your mysteries will continue to be unveiled. We’re here to provide readers with facts while keeping the heart of our community pumping beyond the pandemic.
    There are 3 concerns that are often misrepresented about you in the general public which we’ve tried to clarify here:
    You, COVID, can infect anybody: too many assume that you can’t harm the young and healthy. Yes, like all infectious diseases, the elderly and those with medical conditions are more vulnerable to you, COVID. But you infect all ages and one mystery we have yet to untangle is why some healthy, young people succumb to your power.
    Self-isolation means we can go out for walks: No, if we are on self-isolation due to travel or COVID symptoms, we must remain at home. As the Medical Officer of Health noted: we can spend time in our backyards, but we are not to leave our home area. This is nicely summarised on the Alberta website: “Do not go outside for a walk through your neighbourhood or park. This includes children in mandatory isolation.” ( Thanks COVID, for keeping us away for our gorgeous Spring landscape here in Drumheller. Luckily, here in Alberta, we’ve had cold weather and snow, inspiring us to stay indoors anyway.
    Cure: there is currently no cure, COVID. A vaccine must be created to counter your spread and the brightest minds are working around the clock to find it. And they will.
    You may be invisible to the naked eye, but you will be found. Stand assured, a vaccine will come and humanity will persevere.

Drs. Rithesh and Veronique Ram

Dear COVID-19 is a weekly column supplied by Drs. Rithesh and Veronique Ram. Send any questions, thoughts, theories or stories on COVID-19 to and we will respond weekly.

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