Delia Community Hall will be the hub of growth and spring fever as the Second Annual Gardening Workshop and Trade Show will happen on Saturday, April 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Doors will open at 8:00 a.m. and registration is mandatory in order to participate.
“I think if people are interested at all in gardening, shelterbelts, and building up their soils it is definitely worth attending,” said Dara Kudras, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman of Starland County. “You also get a great lunch and there is going to be a ton of door prizes including live plants and trees and that sort of thing.”
Last year’s trade show was held in Munson and was considered a hit amongst the 90 people that attended.
Connie Tremblay of White Star Permaculture will be speaking on the various benefits of permaculture. Permaculture is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.
“She will be speaking on edible forage, the importance of soil and pollinators in our garden as well,” said Kudras.
Megan Evans of the Alberta Native Bee Council will be speaking on native pollinators in the garden and focusing on bumblebees.
A Treetime representative will be on site as well to discuss how to build a proper shelter belt and to talk about the different plant species the company carries.
“So after all of our speakers are done, we go to our hands-on activities for the afternoon and Connie Tremblay will be leading the microbe energize transplant so we will be transplanting tomatoes using microbe energized soil which she is bringing from home,” said Kudras.
The second workshop will have participants creating bumblebee houses which will be lead by the Alberta Native Bee Council. The maximum number of participants will be capped at 60 and each one must bring their own drill.
The Alberta Native Bee Council could potentially be receiving funds to provide these bee boxes across the province.
“If they get approved we will be some of the first to do these bee boxes,” said Kudras.
Kudras explained that each participant will come home with at least one transplanted tomato and a bee box if they are of the first 60 people to sign up.
For tradeshow booths, attendees can expect to see Rosebud Valley Honey, P & J Home and Yard Improvements, Treetime, Countryside Greenhouses, White Star Permaculture, Dani Dooley, Sandi Checkel of Checkel Greenhouses and Cattlemunns Ranching.
Anyone interested in this event can call Kudras at the Starland County office at 403-772-3793 to preregister.