Riverside celebrates Canada 150 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Riverside celebrates Canada 150

At the cake cutting are (l-r) Kim Masson of the Canada 150 ParticipACTION Playlist committee, Councillor Tom Zariski of the Heritage and Arts Committee, and Patrick Kolafa and Rose Poulson of the  Canada 150 ParticipACTION Playlist committee. submitted

The community of Riverside celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday with a community barbecue at Partici Park on Friday, September 1, The Heritage and Arts Committee supplied a grant for the barbecue and members of the community were able to cross a few items off their Canada 150 ParticipACTION Playlist including slack lining, sack races, and hula-hoop.

Megan’s Moves also did a Zumba demonstration and Nazirah Bellydance performed and guided a few potential dancers through some basic moves.

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