Winnipeg family hunts for lost blanket | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Winnipeg family hunts for lost blanket

Wide shot of the Hoodoos at Drumheller

A family from Winnipeg is asking visitors and residents to be on the lookout for a sentimental baby blanket.
 Kevin Enns contacted The Mail this week. He and his family were in the valley on September 1 visiting the Royal Tyrrell Museum, the suspension bridge, Wayne and the Hoodoos.
Along the way, they lost a blanket.
“My daughter has lost a very sentimental blanket that had been given to her by her grandmother who is no longer with us. I fear it may have fallen out of the van somewhere along the way and have a strong suspicion it may be at the hoodoos parking lot,” he wrote to the Mail.
If anyone finds a baby blanket left at any of this sites, contact, and possibly we can unite it with the owner.

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