Mini-chucks champ drives winnings to FunTeam | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Mini-chucks champ drives winnings to FunTeam

  Champion Mini-chucks driver Robert Wilson, (left), accepts a $1,500 cheque from CFCW afternoon host Luca James Tuesday morning August 29, having won the station’s MIni-Chuck’s for charity event held at Freson Market in June. Wilson’s sponsor was Tower Trophies, and owner Nicky Sereda decided to donate the money to Drumheller’s FunTeam. Players Nate and Fraser hold up the champion’s trophy, and told the Mail the funds will be put toward ice fees for FunTeams, now in their 18th season in Drumheller. mailphoto by O.R. Sheddy, Mail Editor

Champion Mini-chucks driver Robert Wilson, (left), accepts a $1,500 cheque from CFCW afternoon host Luca James on Tuesday morning, August 29, having won the station’s Mini-Chuck’s for a charity event held at Freson Market in June.

Wilson’s sponsor was Tower Trophies, and owner Nicky Sereda decided to donate the money to Drumheller’s FunTeam. Players Nate and Fraser hold up the champion’s trophy, and told the Mail the funds will be put toward ice fees for FunTeams, now in their 18th season in Drumheller.

(mailphoto by O.R. Sheddy, Mail Editor)

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