Bus Service to Drumheller continues | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 14 Dec 2024 12pm

Bus Service to Drumheller continues

Bus stop
Alsask Bus Service is continuing its service between Calgary and Alsask on weekdays, with stops in Drumheller.

Mailphoto By Patrick Kolafa


Drumheller residents wishing to take a bus to Calgary are now able to, now that Alsask Bus Service has stepped up to the plate.

This comes after recent announcements that the Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) was cut the by the Saskatchewan Government, and the route from Calgary to Saskatoon was closed.  

Alsask Bus was operating with STC to provide the service. It would operate from Calgary to Alsask, and then STC would continue the trip to Saskatoon.

    As of Monday, June 19, Alsask Bus has independently picked up the passenger route from Calgary to Alsask and has daily passenger series. They have released the summer schedule, and residents wishing travel from Drumheller to Calgary can catch the bus at 9:10 a.m. The bus from Calgary to Drumheller departs the city at 3:45 and arrives in Drumheller at 5:40 p.m. weekdays.

At this point in time, the service heading east terminates at Alsask.  Dhirender Negi of NN News, where the bus will continue to stop, says operators are still looking at how they are able to extend the service from Alsask to the Saskatoon. However at this time, those wishing to head to further into Saskatchewan will first have to travel to Calgary.

NN News’ Greyhound freight service has continued uninterrupted.


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