Rider Friendly Contest voting extended | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Rider Friendly Contest voting extended

Every day Drumheller

Drumheller has just a few hours to dig deep.
The community has shown tremendous support as it votes for the valley to be a finalist in the Most Rider Friendly Community contest, but it needs that support to continue until midnight.
Drumheller has been neck and neck with Port Alberni to become the Western Canada finalist.
Voting for the contest was supposed to close on March 30, however, there was a glitch.
“The voting poll shut down prematurely as it was set to the server time,” reads a statement issued at http://riderfriendlycontest.ca/. “We received many complaints and in order to be fair since the voting was close, we will extend the voting one more day until Midnight March 31, MST.
This means you have the opportunity to vote and make Drumheller a finalist.
Got to http://riderfriendlycontest.ca/ to cast your vote.

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