The Canadian Badlands Passion Play is getting ready to awe their audiences this summer.
The show’s first performance of the season is on Friday, July 8, followed by an afternoon performance on Saturday and evening show on Sunday.
This year, the play will be adapted from the Gospel of Luke and is titled “Face to Face.”
New for the performance will be Caleb Gordon, playing the role of Jesus.
Gordon has played a long history in the Passion Play including playing the role of Enosh. He comments on why he decided to auditioned for the role of Jesus.
“As I played the role of Enosh I looked into the eyes of the Jesus actor during the healing scene and it gave me a new perspective on what it means to be an actor. Even when no one else could see his eyes, they were still filled with kindness. It sparked something in me, a desire to play my role with such passion and authenticity.”