Town of Drumheller Regular Council Meeting of January 11, 2016 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Town of Drumheller Regular Council Meeting of January 11, 2016

Town of Drumheller Crest

Council Notes
From the regular meeting of January 11, 2016

Mayor Terry Yemen called the meeting to order.
MLA Rick Strankman attended the meeting and updated council on his lobbying efforts. He spoke briefly on flood mitigation, EMS response times, Drumheller's beaver problems, Senior Housing and the odor on 4th Ave. SW.
Bylaw of the Town of Drumheller, No. 01-16, for the Purpose of Borrowing Monies as Permitted by Section 256 of the Municipal Government Act was introduced. Town Council considers it necessary to borrow certain sums of money for the purpose of covering operating expenses pending the collection of monies growing due. The Corporation will borrow from Chinook Credit Union up to the principal sum of $2 million. This loan is applied for yearly as a safeguard and has not been utilized in over 5 years.
Town of Drumhellerpassed first reading of Bylaw 03.16 to amend land use bylaw 10-08 was introduced to redesignate lots 15, 16, 17 & 18, Block 1 Plan 6495AV from R-1A Residential District to R-2 Residential District. A public hearing will beheld February 8 to hear any concerns.

Council passed first reading to repeal Schedule B off the Business Licence Bylaw.
A Request for Decision was proposed by CAO Ray Romanetz, requesting Council approve a procedure for authorizing and verifying expenditures not included in the budget. Since the 2016 Budget has not yet been approved, a resolution from Council is required to authorize the CAO or his delegate to pay all current accounts which are a proper charge of the Town. This was recommended and passed.
The Drumheller Public Library Board appointment to Leila Bjerland was approved for a period of two years.

Director of Infrastructure Services Al Kendrick spoke about the sewer odor on 4 Ave Sw. The Royal Tyrrell Museum and Provincial Government are working with the Town trying to find a long term solution.

The Annual Budget for the Sandstone Manor was adopted as presented.
Councilor Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk presented the Drumheller Stampede and Agricultural Society semi-annual review and upcoming events
Meeting was adjourned.



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