Community shows support for victims of fire | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Community shows support for victims of fire

      fire after     

Residents of Drumheller have stepped up to support those affected by the fire in Bankview early last Friday morning.

            Century 21 has been instrumental in looking at how to help those who were put out of their home by the fire. Kim Suntjens of Century 21 is heartened by the support.

"The outpouring of support from the community has been excellent. Our office has been acting as a liaison between the donations and the victims,” she said.

            Suntjens explains two of the four families have been re-housed temporarily. The third is still sorting their plans. None of the families seem in a position to accept any donations of furniture yet, and because most were able to salvage their clothing, they will not require any. The fourth family has not made contact with their office.

“The gift cards that people have donated are appreciated, as are the funds that have started to accumulate in the trust accounts,” said Suntjens. “Century 21 will continue to keep a list of donations available. Victim Services has forwarded our contact information to all of those affected."

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