A group of local writers in Drumheller put pens to paper, or digits to keyboards and beat out thousands of words to celebrate National Novel Writing Month (NaMoWriMo).
The group has been meeting since summer to support each others works as they write novels. The goal for NaNoWriMo is for a writer to complete 50,000 words in one month, over 1,600 a day. About eight writers from Drumheller and surrounding communities celebrated.
“People from all over the world participate in NaMoWriMo,” said Emily Hollingshead, director of Library Services and member of the writing group.
She says this was the first regional wrap up party and it attracted writers from five surrounding towns. Almost all met the goal of writing 50,000 words.
Along with the regular membership, Vicki Black, Grade 5 teacher at St. Anthony’s School had her class participate, and together they smashed the 50,000-word mark.
“They were really excited about it!” said Hollingshead.
She said the target established by NaNoWriMo is an important aspect of the month.
“The two biggest things about NaMoWriMo for me are, one, you have 30 days and a clear target. This means you have no time to sit around and claim you have writer’s block, you just put words on the paper, you can worry about it later. Number two, there is a built in support group, which is so powerful in getting it done,” she said.