Lyme disease awareness spotlighted in online radio show | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 2pm

Lyme disease awareness spotlighted in online radio show


    Jillian Augey and raising awareness of Lyme related Illness will be spotlighted on a radio show on Voice America.
    Augey has been asked to co-host and be interviewed for a one-hour program related to Lyme disease. The host of the show, Dr. Rebecca Risk of Ananta Health in Calgary, treats Lyme disease.
    “Lyme Light has helped many Albertans figure out their ‘medical mysteries.’ In the last year we have helped many people send blood work to US and German labs, and provided names of Lyme literate practitioners,” explains Augey. “Through meeting with sick people and doing awareness campaigns, word spread rapidly. My story has been shared often as has my research and the radio host, Dr. Risk feels interviewing me on radio could reach more people and help those who have fallen through the cracks.”
     On the show, they will discuss symptoms, viable treatment options, testing and the political battled waging over chronic Lyme.
    Augey has been very candid in sharing her experiencing with Lyme related illness and her treatment, and while she is chronically ill and knows she will continue to deal with the health problems, she has stabilized. This has allowed her to continue to do presentations and raise awareness, and has started on a book.
    While he has found something that has helped her, she says every patient is different.
    “There is no cure. There is no set protocol. Everyone responds differently and requires trial and error before funding a treatment that manages their disease profile. We suffer from different infections and symptoms. For serious cases like mine I still suggest starting in the US. For less serious cases and for those who have finished a few years of intensive treatments there are wonderful TCM and ND practitioners to see in Canada.”
    “The same problems I faced are still posing problems for newly diagnosed patients, but at the ground level there’s awareness and support. We are working within the front lines so to speak instead of a top down model. Helping one local at a time seems to be the most effective manner of affecting change.
    The program airs at on Monday, November 23 at 10 a.m., and is available for 24 hours after the show airs. The show is also available on iTunes.

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