Morrin celebrates homecoming this weekend | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Morrin celebrates homecoming this weekend



Morrin will be celebrating their homecoming this weekend and there is a jam-packed schedule for those who will be attending. 

Friday night the homecoming will kick off with registration at the Morrin arena. The concession will be open and there will be a sweet treat for free.

 “We want to encourage people to register Friday night. We have a band playing and we are going to have free mini doughnuts. Western Financial is sponsoring the Dino Donuts and from 6-8 p.m. they are going to be free,” Deb Wynia, a member of the planning committee said. 

She said there are about 500 people already registered to come to the event which is the 95th homecoming.

“Since about 1970 they had one every year but there wasn’t one five years ago, it has been 10 years (since the last one). We wanted to have one now so we could get updated contacts and to make people aware that the centennial is in 2020,” Wynia told The Mail.

A quilt was created, sewn and donated by Lynn Helton that will be part of the silent auction that will be held at the arena on Friday and Saturday. A raffle will also be taking place for a Hope Chest with afghan, and a girl’s and boy’s bike. Raffle tickets will be available at the registration area.

Saturday morning the Mountainview Credit Union and the Morrin Lions Club will be sponsoring the breakfast which will be from 8 to 10 a.m. at the arena. The parade will follow. Many events will begin at noon including the beer gardens, kids zone and the slo-pitch tournament. the fireball competition will take place at 2:30 put on by the Morrin Fire department as well as the cake cutting at the sod house with cake provided by Ken and Myra Devaleriola. There will also be tours by train or horse and buggy of Morrin for free.

A dinner will be at 5 until 7 p.m. which is by advance pre-registration. Wynia said there may be some tickets still available at the door but it is not a guarantee. At 8 p.m. two dances will be happening. 

One of those dances will be with more modern music at the arena with  beer gardens and the second will be an old time dance at the Morrin Community Hall. And at 11 p.m. fireworks will take place behind the arena. 

On Sunday a second breakfast sponsored again by Mountainview Credit Union and the Morrins Lions club will take place until 10 a.m. followed by an interdenominational church service at the Morrin United Church. The slo-pitch tournament will continue at 9 a.m.

Wynia said the next homecoming for Morrin will be the 100 year which will take place in 2020. During the event the committee will be releasing an updated 100 year history book. Wynia said if those attending the upcoming homecoming have anything they would like to add to the book it would be a start to the book. 

Registration is still open for the slo-pitch tournament, Wynia said. They currently have about four teams ready to play and will be happy to take other teams if they would like to join. 

There will also be several class reunions taking place at the homecoming that were set up in advance as well as tours of the Morrin school.

For more information about the Morrin Homecoming or to register a team for the slo-pitch tournament please contact or the Morrin Homecoming 2015 Facebook group. 

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