Kneehill County Council is asking for a Ministerial Inquiry into the conduct of one of its own councillors.
A Special Meeting of Kneehill County Council was held on Monday, May 4, on the conduct of Councillor Bobby Painter. Council passed three motions at the meeting.
According to a press release, Reeve Long indicated that “A disruption of Council had now been expanded to create a disruption of staff, which affected the overall operations of the county. It is council’s desire to implement best practices and work towards a common vision for the Kneehill County Community.”
Reeve Long noted that while Councillor Painter has access like all ratepayers to services, including agricultural services, Councillor Painter has interfered with and failed to be respectful to staff.
The first motion that Kneehill County Council passed is that Councillor Painter is to write a letter of apology to staff in regards to his interactions with staff members.
A second motion was to censure Painter for “taking actions contrary to his obligations as a councillor as specified by the Municipal Government Act."
He is to adhere to his obligations as councillor, not to interact with or communicate to any county staff without approval of the CAO, and not to interfere with the administrative functions of the County. He is also directed to not enter the Kneehill County Public Works Shop or any other Kneehill County Facility with the exception of the Kneehill County Main office reception areas, Council Chamber, CAO office and any other area of the main office used for personal hygiene.
A third motion was a request for a Ministerial Inquiry into Councillor Painter’s conduct as a councillor for Kneehill County.
According to a press release, Councillor Painter was warned about acting outside the bounds of council. In August of last year, Council passed a motion directing administration to remove Councillor Painter from all committees and boards and to remove authorization for his attendance at any conference, convention or any other events representing Kneehill County.
Painter is currently still under this censure, however he continues to retain his duties as a voting member of Council, communicating and representing ratepayers.