When this election was called, I felt that it was needed to provide Alberta's government with the clear authority to respond to the challenging circumstances that we faced as a result of the collapse of oil prices.
I felt strongly then, and I feel strongly today, that those decisions properly belonged to Albertans and not to me as the Premier.
Neither I, nor the Government I led, were elected to make the tough decisions that are required by our current economic conditions.
Albertans needed to make those decisions and they have now done so and chosen our collective future.
While I am personally saddened by that decision, the voters are always right in our democracy.
I congratulate Rachel Notley and the NDP Party on their success this evening. Rachel obviously ran an excellent campaign and clearly has the confidence of Albertans.
I would also like to congratulate Brian Jean and the Wildrose on their success this evening.
I would however like to speak to the members of my own party. I have been a member of this party since I was a young man and I share your disappointment.
I want to thank everyone in the Progressive Conservative Party for their confidence and trust over the past eight months.
It has been a trying time for all of us. I thank all of our candidates and the thousands of volunteers who have worked so hard for our Party.
I have never seen a team of men and women work as hard. My heart goes out to everyone who worked so hard and were unsuccessful.
Karen and I also thank everyone in our Party for your unfailing kindness to us during the past 28 days and 10,000 kilometers.
As the Leader of the Party, I accept responsibility for tonight's outcome. I also accept responsibility for the decisions that led up to this evening.
Karen reminded me this morning that a year ago, when I made the decision to return to public life, the outcome was anything but certain
She reminded me that I said then that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't return to provincial politics and do what I could to try to set things right in Alberta. I told her that I didn't intend to live the rest of my life with the regret that I didn't make the attempt.
So I ran.
Clearly, however, my contribution to public life is now at an end. It is time for me to dedicate my time to my other responsibilities as a husband, father and grandfather.
Accordingly, I have resigned as the Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta effective immediately. Furthermore, I will step aside as the elected Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary Foothills.
There is no greater fortune in life than to be a Canadian and an Albertan.
We are all so very lucky.
It has been a great privilege to serve our province in elected office.
I leave with the confidence that the determination and resilience of Albertans will overcome whatever challenges we face.
I wish all of you the very best.
Thank you and God Bless.
Jim Prentice