Drumheller goes green for Lyme | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Drumheller goes green for Lyme


    Drumheller is going green to raise awareness of Lyme Disease and how residents can take simple steps to protect themselves.
    Many will have already noticed bright lime green ribbons tied to trees throughout the valley. They are to mark World Lyme Day on Friday May 1.
    “World Lyme Day is a new concept that the global Lyme community celebrates. In many cities the month of May is deemed Lyme awareness month, but we are going to focus on May 1,” said Jillian Augey of the Lyme Light Society. “Lyme and associated diseases are fast growing, and if undiagnosed can lead to life-long, debilitating illness. Lyme Light Society is focusing on prevention of tick bites and what to do if bit.”
    More than just ribbons, they are also posting posters and making pamphlets available. Its focus is on awareness but also how to take steps to safeguard yourselves against contact with ticks.
    “The ticks are out. People are reporting that their dogs are bringing them into the house or they are finding them on themselves, so we want to put the ribbons and posters up so people know what to do and how to prevent the bite,” she said.
    Some of these include wearing light clothing when people are outside to make ticks more visible, tuck pant legs into socks, and shirt into pants, check for ticks regularly and use tick repellent.
    “We are not saying don’t hike or don’t go outside, just be aware you can prevent bites,” said Augey.
     Over the last couple of years, the awareness of Lyme disease has been growing, thanks in part by more people willing to come forward and share their stories.
    Local awareness has also been spreading through local presentations and community members helping out.  
    On Friday, May 1, the 5th annual Beards and Bands is set to go at Kaleidoscope Theatre. A group of “Beard Bros” has been itching away at growing facial hair and are auctioning off a chance to shave the beards and maybe their heads to the look of the winning bidder’s liking. The funds raised will go to Lyme Light. Throughout the evening, local band Roadside Attraction and St. Groove from Red Deer, will be performing.
    On May 21 the Ride For Lyme will be making a stop through Drumheller. This Cross-Canada bicycle trek is aimed to raise awareness of Lyme and to raise funds for CanLyme. The local group is planning a reception for the riders to encourage them on their way.
    Augey says residents are seeing the ribbons and already asking why they are out. She encourages those wanting to learn more about Lyme or how to protect themselves from ticks to check out some great online resources including www.ilads.org, www.canlyme.com, www.cangetbetter.com and www.tballiance.org

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