Drumheller pool league wraps up season | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 11pm

Drumheller pool league wraps up season

    The 2015 BCA (Big Country Amusements) Drumheller Pool League finished out the season with  their annual wind-up tournament, where teams of all skill levels were able to take part
    22 teams took part in  the tournament at the Stampede Barn, from April 10 to 12.
    Blurred Vision took home the big hardware, earning top spot, with the Pick Pockets coming in second, and The Recovery River Rats placing third. All three teams chose the trip to the Las Vegas pool finals as their team prize.
    Alisa Dayman and Chad Bott were recognized as Most Improved Players of the season.
    Ed McCune won the award for Most First Attempts,  which league organizer Ralph Veenhuis notes is impressive, as McCune played only half a season.
    A first attempt in pool means a player breaks, sinks a few shots, then misses a shot, and their opponent then sinks all their shots, including the eight-ball, to win the game.
    Mike Erickson received the Incredible Match Award, which was new this year. He ended his season with a 40 score, meaning that he won every game of pool he played.
    The trophy for Most Points in the League this year went to Sam Hayward, while Most Consecutive Wins and Most Ten Zips was earned by Jaimie Boyko.
    The awards also recognized Erickson’s three consecutive eight ball run outs, known as EROs. A player earns an ERO, when after they break, they continue on to sink all their shots, including the eight ball, without their opponent getting a shot.
    League and tournament organizer Ralph Veenhuis announced the big prizes of the year were four eight-ball pool play-off trips to Las Vegas, with two of those won by tournament placement and two of the trips won as a draw prize.
    Eight houseboat trips were available this year, with five of those being won by draw prize. Also up for grabs were a golf trip and a deep sea fishing trip.
    Local teams will be travelling to Las Vegas, Nevada  to attend the eight-ball pool finals July 28 to August 1, 2015.

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