The Town of Drumheller is again offering different programs for the area’s seniors to enjoy over the September to May season.
The Badlands Community Facility is the place to go for the Seniors Drop-In Walking Program.
Drop-in walking began Monday, September 8, and costs a toonie for non-BCF members.
The drop-in walking runs every Monday at BCF from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Rose Poulson, Senior Services Coordinator for the Town of Drumheller, said the walking program is relaxed and low key, and offers stretching prior to walking along with key tips for walking and using the track.
Poulson said she also tries to bring in a guest speaker to share fitness and fitness-related information every couple of months.
She said the track at BCF is a good place to start for those looking to get back into walking because of all the benefits walking on the track provides, including going at their own pace, the track cushioning, and the absence of tripping hazards.
A free seniors drop-in art class is also offered, and it runs the second Tuesday of every month at 2:00 pm
at the BCF .
Poulson invites seniors to come out and enjoy themselves and learn something new.
“We have a wonderful local artist who has volunteered to run the program this year and all the art supplies are provided.”
It’s a great way to come and meet new people and create wonderful art, said Poulson.
The exact space at BCF for the art class is to be determined.
Another free drop-in class for senors is the Computer assistance class in the Drumheller Public Library.
Seniors can bring in their laptop or iPad for aid with their devices from the volunteer hosting the class.
A new program being offered this year is the Sit and Be Fit program, which is a program in the BCF’s new fitness on demand system.
The class will be Wednesdays at the Badlands Community Facility for a toonie, starting September 17.
There is also a seniors fitness orientation held the first Friday of every month.
A volunteer provides hints and tips and helps seniors with any questions they may have on using the fitness equipment.
Regular drop in rates apply for non-members.
Copies of the monthly calendar of events and activities aimed at those who are 55 plus is available at the Drumheller Public Library, or Poulson would be more than happy to e-mail a calendar out to those interested.
Email Poulson at or call her at (403)823-1317.