An Australian cowboy who has made a life of helping horses that others see as a lost cause, made his way through the valley, after more than 1,000 miles on horseback.
Joe Guy Brewer, also known as the Long Rider, is a horseman, author and musician, and he has ridden more than 14,000 miles in Canada, the United States and Australia. Along the way, he helps horses and their owners. He is on the tail end of a trip from the western border of Ontario.
“We are pitching a reality TV show called Rescue Rider,” he explains. “I ride across country, thousands of miles at a time, sleep on the ground and live out of my saddle bags, and I rescue horses.”
These are horses that have been deemed untrainable, often to the point they are dangerous to ride. The horse he was riding on Wednesday morning, was a rescue from British Columbia. He eventually will pass this horse on to a new home.
“I will have him relocated this Friday, and then I am flying to Thunder Bay where I will pick up my next rescue, and then I will ride him until I find a new home for him and so on. This is what I have done for 20 years.” he said.
On Wednesday morning, they were trotting through the downtown of Drumheller with a camera crew in tow.
“We picked here because it is a very scenic downtown and we’ve been doing some shoots from here to Wayne,” he explains. During his stop he also worked with Theresa Fomradas and one of her horses.
From here, he will be riding on his new rescue from Thunder Bay to the East Coast.
“I’ll be riding until October and November. This year I will hit 15,000 miles.” he said.