Athletes take on triathlon | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 06 Mar 2025 11am

Athletes take on triathlon

Cam Bertch races to the finish of the solo sprint event at the Drumheller DinoFest triathlon. The event grew again this year with racers taking on both sprint and Olympic distances as individuals or as teams.

Athletes swam, rode and ran their way to the bitter end, and in doing so earned the title triathlete.
    The Drumheller DinoFest triathlon on Saturday morning, June 14, saw competitors take on the grueling course in both the sprint and Olympic distances, and also in solo and team events.    
    Organizer Morgan Syvertsen said this year they saw more participants and more volunteers, which made it a smooth event.
    In the solo Olympic distance Mike Cochrane of Cochrane took the win with a time of 2:41:01. In the team event, Carbon racers Alyssa, Joshua and Kari Church came out on top with a time of 2:50:03.
    For the sprint distance, Kacey Blanchette of Drumheller won the solo event with a time of 1:29:29. Rob Kloepfer and Chris Capobianco won the team event with a time of 1:25:50.
    This was the third Drumheller triathlon, and each year the numbers keep growing with participants from within and outside Drumheller.  Organizers are confident the event will continue to grow.

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