Despite efforts over the last few years, sewer odour is still plaguing the Nacmine/Newcastle area.
Foul odour in this area eminating from the Royal Tyrrell Museum’s sewer system has prompted Mayor Terry Yemen to send a letter to the province.
In the letter sent to Alberta Infrastructure Minister Ric McIver, Mayor Terry Yemen outlines the issue and asks for the Minister’s “intervention to ensure a permanent solution is found and implemented on a timely basis.”
The Mayor says the problem has been going on for years. He states it’s been an issue for the seven or eight years he’s been in Council.
“A couple of years ago the town replaced the lines, but unfortunately it didn’t prevent the problem from happening,” says the Mayor.
Al Kendrick, Director of Infrastructure Services for the Town of Drumheller, says the tender the province put out for work is now closed, with an expected arrival date of materials for replacement in three weeks, and an expected completion date of March 18th.
Mr. Kendrick, at the January 27 Drumheller Town Council meeting, listed a few things the province was looking at trying, such as jet cleaning the line, changing some valves and changing some piping.
If the town is not satisfied after the province does their work, there are a number of methods town staff could try for remedies.
Residents from Fourth Avenue in Newcastle who notice an odour are asked to call Brian Bolduc at 403-823-1330 or Linda Handy at 403-823-1339, day or night, and leave a message.