Morrin School offers ample options | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Morrin School offers ample options

    While the school population at Morrin School seems to be remaining constant, there is a good sign this year with a jump in Kindergarten registrations.
    Students at Morrin School headed back to class on Tuesday September 3.  Principal Don Yavis explains for the last few years the school has had a combined Kindergarten-Grade 1 class. However this year, because of a boost in numbers, the school is able to offer a dedicated Kindergarten program. The school has brought on Mrs. Grenville to teach Kindergarten.
    One aspect of education that Morrin School prides itself on is diversifying so students can take a wide array of options. This year the PLRD Mobile CTS Lab will be at Morrin School for the first semester to help offer some courses. 
    Yavis said through Alberta Distance Learning and team teaching the school has been able to expand their offerings, everything from outdoor education to archery. The addition of its work out room and kitchen facilities also expand the options it offers.
    Another program that has proven to be highly effective for students is the Healthcare aid program. This program according to Yavis runs for three semesters and is delivered to students throughout the division through video conferencing. Even before a student graduates from high school, they could graduate from Red Deer College as a Healthcare Aid.
    They have already had two cohort groups go through the program. He adds that the credits earned by students through the program can also be applied to other areas of the study if the student decides to pursue more post secondary education. This could include registered nursing or an LPN program.
    Yavis is looking forward to the new school year and all the opportunities that can be realized at Morrin school.

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