Protect yourself from the heat | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Protect yourself from the heat

Albertans heading outdoors in increasingly hot summer temperatures are reminded to protect themselves and watch out for others who may experience potentially harmful effects of the sun, including heat-related exhaustion and sunstroke.

    Hats are an important part of being sun safe in the summertime.

    To avoid sunburns and heat-related exhaustion:
    –Apply a sunscreen of at least sun protection factor (SPF) 30, at least 20 minutes before heading outdoors. Be sure the SPF 30 screens out both UVA and UVB rays, and reapply frequently (as directed on product label).
    –Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses (with a UVA/UVB CSA certified seal).
    –Wear light-coloured long pants and long-sleeved shirts that cover skin.
    –Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated, even before you feel thirsty.
    –Consider rescheduling activities to cooler hours of the day.
    –Take frequent breaks from heat, spending time inside at cooled buildings (like malls or libraries) or indoor pools.
    Hot weather can also cause heat stroke. Symptoms include high body temperature, lack of sweat, disorientation, fainting, and unconsciousness. If you or anyone around you is experiencing these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
    “Normal activity that is safe on a cool day might be dangerous for you on a hot day. If you start to feel overheated, stop your activity immediately, seek shade and drink fluids,” said Dr. James Talbot, Chief Medical Officer of Health.
    Albertans are asked to pay close attention to vulnerable individuals, including young children, older adults, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and people who are socially isolated.
    Frequently visit neighbours, friends and older family members, especially those who are chronically ill, to make sure that they are cool and hydrated. If they show symptoms of heat stroke, get medical attention immediately. While awaiting medical attention, the person should be moved to a shaded area, and outer clothing and shoes should then be removed. You should also wrap the person in a cool, wet towel until medical care is provided.

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