Centennial Committee unveils 100th Anniversary event | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Centennial Committee unveils 100th Anniversary event

    With just under two months to go until Drumheller celebrates the 100th anniversary of the day it was incorporated, plans are coming together to have a celebration all residents can enjoy.
    On Wednesday, May 15, residents are invited to Drumheller’s centennial celebration. The ceremony will be held at the Badlands Community Facility and will include a beef on a bun barbecue, cake, and more.
    “We’re hoping to have the cake cut by two of Drumheller’s eldest residents. We’re also hoping anyone with a vintage car will come down and display their cars. There will be carriage rides. At the end of our celebration, we want to release 100 balloons to symbolize our centennial,” said Sharel Shoff, chair of the centennial planning committee.

(l-r) Sean Grande, Councillor Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk, Councillor Sharel Shoff, Roxanne Clark, Pam Yemen, Sylvia Adams, Paul Salvatore, Linda Traquair, and Kellie Smith and other members of the centennial planning committee unveiled the celebration planned for May 15. Residents are invited to the Badlands Community Facility for a centennial barbecue.

    The committee is also looking for residents to donate the use of photos showcasing Drumheller’s history for a display at the BCF gallery. Any photos provided would be returned.
    “They don’t have to be really old. We’re trying to cover the whole gamut of our 100 year history. We also want a cross-section of life in Drumheller. There is a lot of history here,” said Shoff.
    For example, photos can be of agriculture, businesses, or even families throughout Drumheller’s history. Once collected the photos will be displayed at the BCF gallery in May.
    Photos can be dropped off with the Town of Drumheller. The deadline for submissions is by the end of March.
    The centennial celebrations are not limited to just May 15. The committee is looking forward to other events throughout the year.
    “We’re going to have even more things happening on Canada Day,” said Shoff.
    Residents or groups hosting an event this year are also encouraged to use the centennial logo and contact the centennial committee. Logos can be obtained by calling Bob Cromwell at 403-823-1320.
    “We’re hoping to get everyone involved. This is our centennial. If there is something you want to do, we’d love to hear from them,” said Shoff.

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