Movie crew moves from Cuba to Rowley to Jordan to Germany | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Movie crew moves from Cuba to Rowley to Jordan to Germany

    A globetrotting film crew is telling the story of a family torn apart in the 1920s and the next stop is Rowley.
    The Mail learned Rowley will be the site of a film shoot for a German feature film called The Cut.  Crew members working on the production are in town and will shoot in Rowley on April 11-15.
    Currently, crews are shooting in Cuba and then they will come to Rowley. After, they will continue shooting in Jordan and finish up in Germany.
    The Cut is a period piece from the 1920s, based on a true story.
    “It takes place when the Turks were annihilating the Armenians in the early 1900s, and is the story of a family that was abducted and escaped,” said Doug Steeden, who is working on the production. “The father attempts to find his family over a number of years.”
    In the story, the father finds one of his remaining daughters in North Dakota. It is this part of the story that will be filmed in Rowley.
    Right now the crew is getting organized and will be doing some prep work in Rowley.
    “They (Rowley community) have been very cooperative to get it going,” said Steeden, adding that he was involved years ago in Bye Bye Blues, which was also shot in Rowley.
    “It is kind of like going home, it hasn’t changed much since 1988,” said Steeden.

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